“As long as the earth endures, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” (Gen. 8:22). One day when we were visiting the…
Copper Hill 200th Anniversary Concert organized by JoAnne D. Jones
JoAnne has been very busy over the past two months serving as organizer for the 200th Anniversary Concert held at Copper Hill Church this past Sunday afternoon, Sept. 25. Through contacts with…
Dandelion Seeds
“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord” (Psalm 78:4b). I love dandelions, even though some people consider them a nuisance in their yards. In the springtime, when…
Musician JoAnne Jones invited to Grace Lee Memorial Wesleyan Church
Sunday, May 29, 2016 JoAnne Jones brought her musical talents to Grace Lee Memorial Wesleyan Church in Beaver Dams, NY. At the invitation of worship leader, Kim Ouderkirk and Pastor…
Choir performs original anthem
On Easter Sunday, the choir at Copper Hill Church performed an original sacred composition for choir by JoAnne D, Jones. Titled “That Same Power” the four part SATB anthem amplifies the theme of Ephesians…
J.D. Jones Harp Arrangement Published
The Winter 2015 Christmas volume of Folk Harp Journal published J.D. Jones’s arrangement of “O Holy Night” for flute and harp. The piece was originally written for the duo of Breanna Wilkinson (flute)…
Author signs books at Copper Hill Bazaar
JoAnne DeSerio Jones was signing copies of her book at the Holiday bazaar at Copper Hill UMC on Friday, Nov. 20 and Saturday Nov. 21. JoAnne enjoys meeting people at book…
JoAnne Jones directs Community Choir in an original arrangement
A combined choir from Copper Hill UMC and Life Church sang JoAnne Jones’ arrangement “If My People” at the Grassroots Community Prayer Service Sunday Nov. 15, 2015 at Copper Hill UMC. JoAnne originally…
Grassroots Prayer for America
“PRAY! Because our nation’s future depends on it. God can use you to bring lasting change to America through your prayers.” Franklin Graham “If My people, who are called by My…
Flute piece featured at Copper Hill Church
Contributed by Kelvin Jones On August 23, flutist Mary Jane Sullivan visited Copper Hill United Methodist Church and performed with composer/pianist, JoAnne Jones, “Sparrow Medley,” JoAnne’s exquisite arrangement of “His Eye is on…