“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).
Getting along together is an age-old challenge, but so vital to our world today! As the body of Christ faces unprecedented problems, we are far stronger if we stand together. Unity is more than “agreeing to disagree.” It is essential to find foundational truth to stand on.
Our Common Ground: God’s Word is our starting block. He promises to be the sure foundation for our times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom. But the key to this treasure is the fear of the Lord.1 Our source of authority is God’s Holy Scripture in its entirety, with the New Testament completing the Old. We are not permitted to add or take away from it.2 Since it is “God-breathed,” and a living book, the Holy Spirit will assist us in interpretation.3 The Bible gives us our basic statement of faith, including belief in the Trinity, the virgin birth, the resurrection and return of Jesus Christ, and salvation through Christ alone.
Our Common Goals: How does God’s word instruct us specifically on unity? If we are truly God’s children, we share the same love of Christ who unites us, and the help of the Spirit of Christ in us. We focus on Christ and follow His example of a humble servant, as we put aside our own selfish motives, thinking of others ahead of ourselves. 4 God’s word instructs us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
How does that play out? We need to be humble, gentle, and patient, bearing with others in love. 5 Even if we are right and the other person is in error, we still need to patiently listen and forgive whatever grievances we have against them. Disagreeing with someone, however, does not mean we hate that person. We can speak the truth in love, but it is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict the hearts of others. He also helps us to refrain from speaking unwholesome words, but rather only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 6
Our Savior’s Prayer: Jesus Himself prayed for our unity. He knew Satan would try to divide and destroy the church. But Jesus prayed that God would protect us from the evil one. He also prayed that we would be sanctified and set apart by our adherence to the truth, which is God’s word. Jesus prayed, that we would be one just as He and the Father were one.7 How were they one? Jesus was constantly conversing with His Father, finding strength and direction from Him. Jesus never said or did anything on His own, but only what the Father asked Him to say or do. If we follow Christ’s example of unity, we will be constantly seeking God’s will, relying on the Holy Spirit for every word we speak, every action we carry out. If all Christians did that, we would be on the same page!
Our Synchronized Body: ,Our human body was designed with many parts that work together in perfect harmony, each doing what it’s designed to do. As members of Christ’s Body, we each have different gifts, but each is guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit to promote the good of the whole body. Everything we do should be done in love as we encourage and strengthen the body, with equal concern for each part. When the Body of Christ is functioning according to God’s plan, other people will see the evidence of His Spirit working in us. In this way, there should be no division in the body! 8
As we learn to love each other deeply, using our gifts to serve others, we faithfully administer God’s grace in its various forms. We serve with God’s strength. In everything, we seek to give all the praise and glory to God through Jesus Christ. 9
Our Common Mission: As we follow the Biblical blueprint for unity, we are able to stand firm in one spirit, contending as one for the faith of the gospel. 10 We strive to work together with those who share our passion to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything God has commanded us. 11
United in Christ, we will stand in unity!
( Scroll down to print or download: “Scripture Prayers for Unity in the Body of Christ”.)
1 Isaiah 33:6; 2 Revelation 22:18, 19; 3 John 16:13; 4 Philippians 2:1-4; 5 Ephesians 4:1-6; 6 Ephesians 4:29; 7 John 17:15-17; 8 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 24-25; . 9 1 Peter 4:7-11; 10 Philippians 1:27; 11 Matthew 28:18-20.