Two original Christmas arrangements chosen JoAnne Jones began writing and arranging music for her 26-string Dusty Strings harp shortly after taking up the instrument more than twelve years ago. One her favorite…
Music To Inspire – A Tribute
On this Veteran’s Day, I want to pay tribute to my Dad, Rev. Joseph DeSerio, who defended our country’s freedoms by serving in Europe during WWII. God kept him safe in spite…
Impossible Prayers
When circumstances seem beyond hope, “impossible” things can happen through prayer. Don’t give up. We serve the God of the impossible. When we cry out to Him, He will do unimaginable things!…
Telltale Patterns
Patterns are all around us – in nature, music, and math. There are repetitive trends in traffic, consumerism, and culture, in behavior and in history. Patterns are a series of repeated…
Not For Sale!
What if your child suddenly went missing? You would surely beat down every path to find her! Our hearts go out to parents and grandparents whose children are victims of human…
Bigger Than A House
It’s finally official – we now own our home in West Granby, CT! It took a while. Our story began ten years ago, when Kelvin was about to “retire” from a fulltime…
Hope in Spite of Tragedy
The sun set on a day of death – a day of anguish and suffering, of immense grief when friends and family cried out, “How could God allow this? Why should the…
Kairos Moment
We are standing in a critical, decisive point in time – a kairos moment. While we see upheaval in our culture (in values, illnesses, earthquakes, wars), we also see a spiritual revival…
The Glory of Christmas!
Choirs are singing, “Glory to God in the highest.” What does “glory” really mean? At Christmas, when we think of gifts, food, family, and friends, we’re reminded that every good gift comes…
Random Acts of Christmas
Sharing kindness is a wonderful way to spread God’s love! His greatest gift of love to us was sending His own Son to earth to create a new and lasting relationship with…