“Something good is coming.” That was my hope one January when we were planning to move. We had lived in Pennsylvania for twelve wonderful years, where my husband Kelvin had pastored his…
Music to Inspire – Christmas!
I love Christmas music! It reminds us of the birth of Jesus Our Savior and the JOY and PEACE He brings to our lives. Click the “play” arrow to begin. The lyrics…
for Good to Prevail
In difficult times, we can choose to focus on what is good, to speak about good. It’s especially helpful when we’re dealing with things beyond our control! Have you ever listened to…
CPR Needed!
Our country needs CPR… Corporate Prayer for Revival! Yes, lots of people are praying, but how are we praying? I’ve borrowed the term “Revival Praying” from author David Butts. He says it’s…
True Freedom
As we celebrate freedom in our country, we remember the courage of those who fought for us through the years. My dad was among those who fought in Europe in WW2. It…
Light We Cannot See
The story is told of a blind girl in France who loved listening to a children’s radio program narrated by a man who called himself “the Professor.” He taught them to seek…
The Treasure of the Golden Egg
It was the most sought after treasure at the Easter Egg Hunt: the Golden Egg. Whoever found the Golden Egg would receive, not just a bag of candy, but a special gift…
Better Together
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). Getting along together is an age-old challenge, but so vital to our world today! As the…
Gifts from Jesus
Some of the best Christmas presents are those useful and enduring gifts that make our lives better in meaningful ways. Jesus gave us, not only the gift of eternal life, but a…
Music to Inspire – Christmas Harp
Music is such a special part of the celebration of Christ’s birth! My gift to you: some of the Christmas pieces I’ve arranged for harp and harp/flute duets. Several of…